Community Engagement.

Community Engagement using Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP).


What is MAPP?

MAPP is a community-driven strategic planning process for improving community health. Expected benefits include:

  • Valuable collaboration

  • Rationale for funding

  • Enhanced sense of community

  • Improved health outcomes

MAPP: Six Phases

  1. Organize for Success & Partnership Development - Builds commitment, engages participants, uses participant’s time well, and results in a plan that can be implemented successfully.

  2. Visioning - Provide direction through shared community vision of health and values.

  3. The Four Assessments - Provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors that affect the local public health system and the health of the community.

    • Community Themes and Strengths Assessment: Provide an understanding of the issues that are important to the residents of Butler County.

      • Gather new data from community members.

        • Surveys (electronic and paper)

        • Focus groups (special populations)

    • Local Public Health Systems Assessment: Systematically examine the organizations and entities that contribute to the public health of our community in accordance with the 10 Essential Public Health Services.

      • Complete the NationalPublic Health Performance Standards: Local Assessment Instrument.

    • Community Health Status Assessment: Discuss priority community health and quality of life issues, including health disparities and existing assets or resources.

      • Analysis of existing data from multiple sources.

    • Forces of Change Assessment: Consider how legislation, technology, and other changes affect the operation of the public health system.

  4. Identify Strategic Issues - Review and prioritize key issues found through assessments.

  5. Formulate Goals and Strategies - Develop goal statements and identify broad strategies related to each key issue.

  6. Action Cycle - Continuous planning, implementation, and evaluation. Develop objectives for strategies, goals, and create action plans.

For more information regarding the MAPP process, please call the health department at 513-785-7080.